Weekly BOO! & YAY!

I’ve been taunted by this quietly whimsical disease which have made me feel utterly strange (I do not know what it is), since friday morning 4 am. During friday I ate absolutely nothing*, I wasn’t hungry since I felt sick or slept most of the time, I even had fever all of a sudden! And I lost two kg.

On saturday I ate both breakfast, lunch (which was the exact same as my breakfast) and dinner. But this night I got almost no sleep at all due to this terrible stomach ache and what feels like a hundred feverish dreams. Now, the problem is – I have no appetite at all. I am tired but I can not feel any hunger, as if I wasn’t in the need of eating. I still differ 1,5 kg in weight from friday which is odd since it has gone about 3 days now. Anyways…

This weeks BOO! is something I might have done myself sometime. You think it is perfectly fine when doing so but if you read an other persons posts of this kind you’ll feel really reaaallyyy bored. dot. I’m talking about compulsive blogging. Bloggers who are blogging about how sorry they are because they’ve been away for a while (months) or because they don’t know what to write or even how bored they are with blogging – asking the non-existent readers if they should carry on. It is one of the most meaningless things of the internet. If you don’t like blogging which you evidently don’t if you write posts like these – quit blogging, it’s just a waste of time. Real blogging is sharing something you can be proud of, making your voice heard, saving the things you want to remember, while others enjoy it. (p.s. you can have a secret blog as well but the first reason won’t work). I’ll throw this week’s BOO! at compulsive blogging!**

Best thing last so you’ll leave happy. This week’s YAY! is about my illness*. Despite my lack of appetite I actually found something I could eat. I’d like to show you a picture of it but the plate is empty. Toast with butter and honey. Last time I ate it I was around 10 years old. Juice is really effective when it comes to fast energy, but I can’t drink that now – that’s why honey is an awesome option. I don’t feel as tired anymore, so this week’s YAY! goes to – honey! ^^

*I am not a bulimic or anorexic.
**This blog’s only real purpose is to serve as a virtual diary to me and a way of improving my english vocabulary. But I’m also happy to share my thought’s with some non-existent readers.***
***Though if you do exist – rise in rebellion by commenting!
