Hiking in Rain

I wanted to post this when it was still fresh, smoking hot.. no wait, literally that would be – soaking wet instead…

This weekend I went out hiking with my scout patrol. The weather was nice when we left but half an hour after we started walking… the rain came. Pouring down, cats & dogs, sheep, flamingos – everything. The hood on my jacket saved me from drowning and I had a cover for my backpack (Granite Gear Vapor Meridian Ki) but… there was nothing shielding my legs from the rain, since I was wearing jeans. I was soaking wet, as the bandage on my knee.. that unexplainable wound, hm. Several kilometers of walking , up hills and down the hills again, later we ate lunch under some fir trees* the others ate tortellini and me and a friend had some goulash soup with macaroni :). Eating outdoors is always so different from eating indoors, especially if you’ve been working/walking/running etc. – you have more appetite, also things taste better. Could be something with all the oxygen in the woods, I don’t know :P.

We continued our walking and eventually we arrived at the place where we were going to sleep. Now, most people probably think of tents when sleeping outdoors is mentioned. Now, that is too much indoors for a scout. We sleep in “vindskydd“, “weatherbreaks” which is “half a tent” you could say, it protects us from the rain and the wind as well (if it’s positioned correctly). We find fallen trees, preferably very thin (no more than 20 cm diameter, base) and tie some to trees we’ve chosen (I can’t explain the construction since it’s something you learn from watching). Then we throw a big piece of tarpaulin over our “vindskydd-skeleton” and tighten it up (so that rain-water can’t make seas and lakes in sinkages). One side is wide open, this is how we sleep.

We were walking somewhere near “Romeleåsen”.. or perhaps even on it! More pictures below!! 😀

Of course we have inflatable matresses, pillows and sleeping bags. But, it is still cold outdoor air we’re talking about and we’re in Sweden – so temperatures can sink pretty low. This time, april, it got down to about 3°C or almost 0°C. It was cold, REALLY cold. I know, because my sleeping bag isn’t working. I lied there, keeping myself awake so that I could keep on moving my toes about** and stretching my legs.. I got terrible cramps since I couldn’t stop shivering. I sound querulous, don’t I?

Well, when it was about 5.20 I got up and went to the “vindskydd” where my little sister was sleeping. Luckily, her sleeping bag was big enough to contain us both (and she’s nice enough to let me sleep there). Thank you Selma! :). Later on, we woke up and made breakfast. I cooked some oatmeal and put a package of chocolate oat milk in boiling water.. it was wonderful***… I also ate three sandwiches with jam and.. salami? Well, they had no butter and no cheese… so I pretended the salami was cheese. It worked XD. (marmalade or jam + cheese = awesome).

We packed our bags and left the place, heading towards a place where we could eat lunch. This time I ate some tomato-soup… while almost drowning in my own jacket. I was so damn WET and COLD. Could. Not. Stop. SHIVERING!!! However, the warm soup made me feel a little better and we continued walking towards the place were we got dropped off the other day. Eventually we got there and met up with our parents (now I sound like a kindergarten kid).

So, why do I do this? If I get all wet, walk all day, work like a maniac just to get shelter and almost freeze my toes off, why do I do this? Well, when doing this together with some of my closest friends and many other nice people, helping each other – all those things above are nothing. Of course, freezing isn’t something I’d gladly do – but I still had lots of fun. When people reach my age, they hang out with their either friends in school or at parties. I’m not a party-animal (nor human), neither are most of my friends, so this is what we do instead. We train leadership, teamwork, working together with people you don’t know, a lot of important things – while having fun 😛

Some say best friends last forever (nothings eternal though), but I’ve seen how so many people betray each other, how they do not care for each other. I might now know about how the future looks, but what I do know is that, my friends are not the kind of people who’d ever let me down. That much I can tell, when we suddently fit four people in a tiny tiny wooden shelter which probably was made for two, or when we’re the slowest patrol, since everyone waits for the injured. That much I can tell, which probably is a lot more than what the party-animals know about each other (nothing bad about parties).

* They don’t spread their roots as much as deciduous trees, therefore they stand closer to each other and work as.. a bad umbrella… but still an umbrella! (Not a sprinkler, at least).

** Last time I used this sleeping bag, my toes got really cold. When I woke up I couldn’t feel them anymore and they were all blue. Pretty scary since I was hiking a bit alone that time.

 *** This is what I’m talking about when I say difference between eating indoors and eating outdoors.

Some strange thing.. 

There were LOADS of these.. and I don’t even know what they are!

Commonly found in swedish fir tree-woods…

DO NOT touch toad… or lick on them (I didn’t) just don’t…

// Yours, sleepy SockFusion ^______^

Easter, I presume..

 Guess what?  – I stayed up until almost 3 AM this morning. Guess what I did! – I was baking… (I know, I’m a bit parsimonious with the guessing-time here…). I baked crispy oat cookies, decorated with dark chocolate. And then I put them in a handmade box… and gave them all away to my sister who then gave them to her boss (who’s an arse, but you know.. cringe and flannel!). My mum made some more easter chickens, so I thought it would be a good idea to show it all in one long post ..

By the way, I had an awesome brunch today (since I fell asleep at 5 AM). I baked flatbread, Gateau style. Borrowed Claes Christenson’s book at the library yesterday and wanted to put the recipes to the test… What I thought about it? Well… the dough was a COMPLETE MESS, sticky sticky everywhere. So I added some more flour, but the result was awesome – both my sisters and my stepfather enjoyed it! With butter, ham, salad, cheese and cucumber… mmmm.. hehe 

Here we go – pictures! (Unfortunately the flatbreads were so yummy we ate them all before the camera was even thought of).

If your belly is talking to you right now, begging you for some of these… you can find the recipe here. What my mum made was a bit more decorative and appropriate – easter chickens!

She made them like chocolate balls, but without the cacao, then she rolled them in cocos. She put a cornflake as beak, round sprinkles as eyes and a special made chocolate feather on the back! Awesome! 

Happy Easter! //SockFusion

[yawn] – Hello, Hello!

Been a while! But I caught myself willingly to post something today ^^

It must be the lack of sunlight here, because I’m oh so tired all the time and my skin isn’t any better :< [yawn] (again). School does certainly not make me more energized, had a math exam this morning so I began school at 8.10. Regular time for the rest of the week but not on tuesdays since we end school at 16.50… with PHYSICS! And it's laboration 0.0 . That's the lesson where everyone tend to end up laughing nervously on the edge to a mental breakdown since measuring stuff when your head is kinda spinning.. isn't easy as a pie..

We at least got to read the WHOLE english lesson ^___^
I'm reading – or was reading “one more day” by Mitch Albom. Sad story, great book and a lot of thoughts afterwards – READ IT!

[Changing subject completely]

Yesterday I finally got my package from H&M ^^. Some clothes that were on sale and a new duvetcover set ;P
I needed to freshen things up now when spring comes so I’ll change my icy lagerhaus set (nothing bad about lagerhaus though) for something somewhat juicier 😀 ~Have a look under the blocks of text…

Other than that, I’ve begun to paint my nails again, even put som sparkle on them and, this time I didn’t mess it up – easy to be unpatient when it dries…

One thing I’m especially proud of is the random thing I did friday morning. Had no idea we were going to practice chinese calligraphy in mandarin class, but we did! The instructor, who was a friend of our teacher was a physics student at the Lund University [Thinking about studying computer technology w chinese orientation there…]. He said I was quite good haha! (could be because I did the character at least 20 times over and over again before painting it on the ‘fine’ paper… heh – judge for yourselves…
I’m at least yearning for more… think I’ll bring out my own set of brushes and some ink ;P

*Just as Emil once did, the pink panther instantly fell asleep among the cherries… like a little pig. Though the time Emil did so… the cherries tasted a bit different XD

*My nails this week!

*The chinese character “Yong”,– pronounced with third tone. It means “Eternity” or “Forever”, “Always” which I sometimes want things to last.. but on the other hand – new things can be just as good!

// SockFusion

I’m a little granny! :O

Yeah, it’s been a while since last time. I’ve gotten old.

Mentally that is, because now I’m all about cross-stitching and cooking haha^^. It all started last weekend when I found a pattern that’s been lying around for many years. It’s actually a chinese pattern, made for the year of the tiger (pretty suitable, since the chinese new year was last weekend). Though this time it’s the year of the dragon.. the year of the tiger was.. 1998 haha. Since the pattern was chinese, I also made a border inspired by the origin :). It deserved to be stitched!

So here’s the result! :